California valleys and the vessels of evil

UK artist and architect Alison Sampson has posted a bunch of art at her site from the recently concluded horror comic Winnebago Graveyard.

The four-issue Winnebago Graveyard, written by Steve Niles and drawn by Sampson (who also crafted the title's branding and book design), launched in June of this year from publisher Image Comics. It follows a road-tripping family that finds a detour at a carnival -- a horror genre staple and a locale rife with the threat of peril. Things escalate quickly.

At Hyperallergic, I wrote about the first issue of Winnebago Graveyard's heady, blood-spattered visuals, which I feel carried more of the narrative weight throughout the series than usual. A lot more art can be found at Sampson's site.

The collected trade edition is in comics shops on November 22, elsewhere on November 28 (Colors: Stéphane Paitreau, lettering: Aditya Bidikar).

Images © 2017 Alison Sampson.


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